Families Using Onpatient (What if my entire family only wants to use one email address?)

What do you do if you have one email address for your entire family and they all want to use OnPatient?


If you have a Gmail account, you can create accounts under parent.name@gmail.com, and parent.name+child1@gmail.com, parent.name+child2@gmail.com, etc. for the children's names. The emails informing you that a provider has messaged you would all go to the same inbox (parent.name@gmail.com).

Other email account

If you do not use Gmail as your email provider, you will need to create a new email for the child. Depending on your provider you can often set up forwarding so any email sent to that address, will get forwarded to your inbox.
Utilizing a Representative gives you the option to send OnPatient messages on someone's behalf. On the doctor's side, they can opt to send messages to either the patient or the Representative. The best option is to sign into the OnPatient account for you or your family member that you would like to look at.