How do I add a supervising signature on the iPad?

On the web EHR, a supervising provider can sign off on a rendering provider's clinical note (Guide found here). This functionality is also extended to the iPad EHR app. Supervising signatures on the mobile app works the same way as on the web.

Note: The ability to have a supervising provider sign off on a rendering provider's clinical notes must be turned on by the DrChrono team. If you are interested in having this feature turned on, please reach out to your account manager, or implementation specialist or submit a support ticket and one of our agents will set up the feature for you.

All patient data listed in this article is sample data. This is not a real person or real patient data.

1. First the provider who is being supervised needs to sign and lock their note. This can be completed on the web, iPad, or iPhone.


2. After the clinical note is signed and locked by a rendering provider that is set up as a provider who needs a supervising signature and the account that is accessing the appointment is authorized to be a supervisor, you will see an Add Supervising Signature button.

Once the supervising provider has logged in, they can add their signature to the necessary notes.

  • Use the filters to find locked notes under the Billing Status menu
  • Select the appointment and tap Start Visit
  • Tap View Clinical Note after the note loads
  • Select Add Supervisor Signature
