Allergies Import - Data Migrations

Allergy history can be imported in bulk for patient records already existing within a DrChrono account.

To import your patient's allergy history, please provide a spreadsheet file (CSV or XLSX) with the following columns and values:

Column Header Description Format Required? example values
Last Name Patient Name text Yes Smith
First Name Patient Name text Yes John
Date of Birth Patient DOB date Yes 01/01/1970
Chart ID DrChrono Chart ID text No SMJO000001
Description Short description of allergy text Yes "Cat Hair", "Penicillins", etc
Reaction Short description of reaction text No "Rash", "Hives", etc
RxNorm Allergy Drug Code No 834046 (Penicillins)
SNOMED Reaction Allergy reaction code numerical No 247472004 (Hives)
Status Either "active" or "inactive" choice


(defaults to "active" if not explicitly indicated)


You may use the template (attached below) to help structure your patient allergy history data.