Enhanced C-CDA Exporting (Bulk Export and Scheduling of Export)

DrChrono allows for C-CDA exports in bulk, from patient groups, or individually. You can also schedule exports of your patient records in C-CDA format.


1. Go to Patients > Patient List.


2. Click the Export (C-CDA XML) button.

3. This will send the file to your Message Center. This can take a few minutes for the system to generate but once it's ready click on the Message Center (Message_Center_Icon.png) icon to access the C-CDA file.

4. Select the C-CDA message and click Download Document.

5. Once downloaded the file can be transmitted as zip or extracted. The file will contain individual .xml files for each patient shown as follows.

Scheduling Exports

DrChrono has the ability to schedule CCD-A exports on a recurring basis.

1. Go to Patients > Patient List.


2. Click the down arrow on the Export (C-CDA XML) button then select Export Scheduling and Options.

3. Choose options to schedule your export.

You can choose to schedule the export of your entire patient population. If you have any patient groups created, they can be selected from this list. 

You also have options to schedule an export of a specific date range.

You may also export patient records monthly or weekly based on your preferences. All reports will appear in your message center when completed.


When you schedule an export, select the Date and Time for your export to begin. Click Schedule Export to set up the export.


4. You can view scheduled and completed exports at the bottom of this page.Current_Scheduled_and_Recurring_Exports_V2.png

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