Processing Payments through Square on the iPad EHR App

You can easily process credit card payments through DrChrono's integration with Square. Payments can be processed via the DrChrono EHR app or the Check-In App.

Note: You need to have already set up your Square account and connected it to your DrChrono account.

To create a Square account, please sign up here.

For information on connecting Square to your DrChrono account, click here.

Payments on the EHR App

  1. Please access a patient appointment and go to the Billing Details section. Tap Add next to Total Payment.

  2. Tap on Cash in the Payment Method row and select Square from the menu.

  3.  Enter the payment amount and tap Pay with Square.

  4.  Select the location, if needed, and click Swipe Card or utilize a saved card on file.

  5.   A window will open up prompting you to swipe or enter a card.

Once the payment is complete, you will be directed back to DrChrono.

Note: If processing a payment on the Check-In app, tap on Add Payment to start the payment process and follow steps 2-5.