DrChrono makes it easy to reorder any listed ICD-10 and/or CPT/HCPCS codes within an appointment without having to delete and reenter them. Here's how:
- Hover over the Billing Tab and choose Live Claims Feed.
- In the Live Claims Feed, select the patient and date of service of the appointment that you would like to reorder either the ICD-10 or CPT/HCPCS codes.
- To reorder the ICD-10 codes, scroll down to where the diagnosis codes are listed. Press the three, blue stacked lines over on the right.
- Once you press on the hamburger icon (the 3 short horizontal lines), the red X's will change to hamburger icons as well. Now, you can click on any of the 3 diagnosis codes and drag it to the position you would like it to be.
- When it is where you want it, just let go of your mouse button and "drop" it. Once all moves have been completed, just click on the blue save button in the top right corner.
- It works the exact same way for CPT/HCPCS codes. Just navigate to where they are listed inside of the patient's appointment and press on the hamburger icon (3 horizontal blue lines) as pointed out below:
- Once you press on the hamburger icon, the screen will change to look like this:
It will now allow you to grab and drag any of the CPT/HCPCS codes to whichever position you would like. Once complete, just pres on the blue save icon on the top right (to the right of the status/Adj Type).
Viola! You've just moved around the diagnosis and CPT/HCPCS codes very efficiently!
Here is a video that will walk you through the process.