Attaching a Lab Result to a Clinical Note on the iPhone

To attach a lab result to a clinical note on the EHR/EMR app, you can use the free draw tool to browse your patient documents. First, find and select a free-draw object on the form. You will need to have a free draw field already added to your form from the Form Builder on the web version of DrChrono.

To take a photo using your mobile device, you'll need to have a free draw object on one of the templates you'll be using during your appointment. Find that template and tap on the free draw object.


Within the free draw field, on the bottom navigation bar, select the (Free_Draw_Plus_Icon.png)icon to access the camera.


Tapping History will allow you to select images, uploaded documents, or previous clinical notes from the patient's documents. Only 1 page can be added to a free draw field. Tap the result to use.


Add any additional information with the tools and Save.
