DrChrono has made some exciting enhancements to the Aging AR Analysis report to help you manage your accounts receivable.
- To navigate to the report, hover over Billing and select Aging AR Analysis
Let's take a look at the new options, starting with the left side of the screen, under the Summary tab.
- Date range - the boxes within the dark blue box will allow you to select a start and end date for the information.
- Group By Period - will allow you to group the information in different ways; 30 days, month, or quarter. (orange arrow)
- Filter Date By - will allow you to filter the information by First Billed Date, Last Billed Date, or Service Date. (green arrow)
- AR Type - will allow you to view AR by patient, insurance, or all. (purple arrow)
- Credits - will allow you to include, exclude, or show any credit balances. (light blue arrow)
Let's take a look at the options on the right side of the screen, under the Summary tab.
- Group by - will allow you to view the information grouped by provider, office, billing/claim status, insurance, or insurance plan type. (light blue arrow)
- Sub-group by - will allow you to further refine the information by provider, office, billing/claim status, insurance, or insurance plan type. (orange arrow)
- Submission Status - will allow you to view submitted claims, non-submitted claims, or both. (green arrow)
- Location - will allow you to view information for a specific office, or all offices within your account. (red arrow)
- Payer - will allow you to view the information by payer id or payer name (gray box)
Let's take a look under the Chart tab.
This screen will show you the information in a bar chart, separated by 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91-120 days, 121+ days, and total AR balance.
There is also a chart on the bottom left of the screen that will give you Gross and Net AR Days.