Electronically Prescribing Schedule III and IV Controlled Substances

Once you have had your identity verified through ID.me and been approved in DrChrono, you can send electronic prescriptions for controlled substances (EPCS). With ID.me there are two ways you can perform multi-factor authentication (MFA) to send prescriptions: a push notification or a code generator.

This article will focus on electronically prescribing schedule III and IV controlled substances.

Push Notification

1. Select Push Notification 2FA as the primary device under Account > Provider Settings > eRx Info.


2. Navigate to the patient chart and go to the Send eRx section.


Note: Before sending a prescription, please ensure you have the patient's complete address, date of birth, and gender recorded in the patient's chart.

3. Enter the prescription information. By default, the refills will be 0.

Note: The effective date for controlled substances listed in Schdeule III or IV for New Rx cannot exceed 6 months. This include responses and change responses for Renewal, Replace, RxChange and approved.

A text warning will display stating, "The DEA mandates an effective not exceeding six months from the written date.

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When finished, click Preview Prescription.


Note: Height and weight will be included in the prescription to the pharmacy. However, they are not required. This information can be entered in the System Vitals section of the appointment. DrChrono pulls the latest measurements to include in the prescription.


4. Review the prescription and click Ready to Sign the, Send Prescription.


Note: A patient's address must be recorded in the chart to send a prescription.

5. Enter your DrChrono Password and click Sign & Send Prescription.


6. On your ID.me application, a request will be sent. Tap Yes to approve. In DrChrono, the prescription will load and send.

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7. The controlled substance prescription will send. You can see the status in Reports > Outgoing Prescriptions.


Code Generator

1. Select Generate 2FA Key as the primary device under Account > Provider Settings > eRx Info.


2. Navigate to the patient chart and go to the Send eRx section.


3. Enter the prescription information and click Preview Prescription.


Note: For patients under 18, per NCPDP guidelines, DrChrono requires the height and weight to be recorded in the most recent appointment for pediatric patients in order for the prescription to be sent. This information can be entered in the System Vitals section of the appointment.


4. Review the prescription and click Ready to Sign then Send Prescription.


5. Enter your DrChrono Password and the 6 Digit Authentication Code generated from the ID.me Authenticator app. and click Sign & Send Prescription.

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6. The controlled substance prescription will send. You can see the status in Reports > Outgoing Prescriptions.


Learn more about

Schedule III and IV Refill Maximums

Electronically Prescribing Controlled Substances with ID.me in DrChrono