Payment Analysis Report

Payment Analysis

The Payment Analysis report is a tool that provides you with an overall snapshot of your incoming payments. Payment Analysis addresses three questions:

  • How much is coming in?
  • What is the source of the income?
  • What service/provider is the money being paid towards?

  1. Navigate to Billing > Payment Analysis

To illustrate your payment breakdown, several pie charts are available to you. These charts break down your total billed out, insurance payments, patient payments, and total adjustments.


To understand the pie chart in greater detail, you can select the Detail tab to receive a full breakdown of each of the numbers in the pie chart. Next to each number will be a percentage, reflecting the percentage of the total amount each subtotal corresponds to. This is calculated with the following formula:

(Row subtotal for billed, insurance payment, patient payment, or adjustment based on your selection in the 'Group By' filter) / (Practice total for billed, insurance payment, patient payment, or adjustment)

Each dollar figure in the chart may be clicked on to expand into another table that displays the appointments and associated charges and payments that are sourced. These are claims in which the combined total of billed, insurance payment, patient payment, or adjustment figures are calculated.