2024 Medicare Deductible & Coinsurance rates

CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) has recently released deductible, coinsurance, and premium rates for CY 2024.

Here are the highlights:

Part A

Part A Deductible - $1,632.00

Part A Coinsurance -

  • $408.00 per day for 61st - 90th days
  • $816.00 per day for 91st - 150th day (lifetime reserve days)
  • $204.00 per day for 21st - 100th day (Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) coinsurance)

Part A Base Premium (BP) - $505.00 per month

Part A BP with 10% surcharge - $555.50 per month

Part A BP with 45% reduction - $278.00 per month for those who have 30-39 quarters of coverage

Part A BP with 45% reduction & 10% surcharge - $305.80 per month

Part B

Part B Standard Premium - $174.70 per month

Part B Deductible - $240.00 per year

Pro Rata Data Amount - $161.71 - first month; $78.29 - second month

Part B Coinsurance - 20%

