The New Drug Database Is Available in DrChrono

Understanding the drug database

Drug databases are a critical tool for healthcare professionals. They provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on drugs and are essential for tasks such as managing patient EHR and electronic prescribing.

Drug database migration at DrChrono

DrChrono's current drug database, LexiComp, will be discontinued on June 28, 2024. In response, we have established a partnership with First Databank MedKnowledge. Our internal teams at DrChrono are dedicated to ensuring a seamless migration that does not impact the front-end design or disrupt providers' existing workflow.

First Databank and DrChrono

As the leading provider of drug, compound, and medical device information integrated into HIT systems, First Databank enhances interoperability when importing/exporting allergy and medication data using DrChrono EHR. It also provides faster access to the latest drug information through real-time drug/allergy searches, patient education materials, and interaction checks.

Our new First Databank drug database will feature weekly updates instead of the previous monthly cycle, eliminating lengthy waiting periods for updated drug information.

User impact

The migration will not result in any changes to the front end of the DrChrono platform; users can continue using it as they do today. The primary changes due to the migration occur on the back end with respect to patient medication lists, drug allergies, electronic prescribing, and similar areas where drug or allergy information is pulled from the database into the front end.

While users may notice occasional differences in drug nomenclature, RxNorm values will remain unchanged. Existing drug information within DrChrono will not be removed or deleted; however any new entries related to medications or allergies will draw from the new First Databank drug database.

After this migration process is complete, there should be no impact on unlocked notes or unreconciled medications/allergies since we are retaining Lexicomp data.

To learn more about the drug database, refer to First Databank FAQ.