Using Health Gorilla in DrChrono

We've now integrated with Health Gorilla to give our customers greater access to electronic labs.

Your account plan type needs to be a Hippocrates or above for the integration with Health Gorilla.

1. To get started go to and click Sign in with DrChrono.

Note: Be sure you have entered your NPI into your DrChrono account settings before you set up your Health Gorilla account.

2. It's going to ask you to authorize Health Gorilla to access your DrChrono information. Click Authorize if you agree to the terms

3. It's going to ask you to verify your identity with several questions pertaining to you and your medical license.

4. Back in DrChrono, go to a patient chart and select Health Gorilla under App Directory


5. Health Gorilla will guide you through the final steps in the setup

6. Once finished you can start ordering labs from this page!

Note: Electronic lab orders for Quest and Labcorp are not available through Health Gorilla. In order to place an electronic lab order to Quest or Labcorp, you will need to open an account with each of these labs (if you don’t already have one) and then connect that account to DrChrono. Please see our article for more information on setting up those direct accounts and integrating with DrChrono. In the event that Quest or Labcorp is temporarily unavailable in your account, you are able to order labs for Quest and Labcorp via e-fax as long as you have provided your account numbers to Health Gorilla.

Click here for a list of connected Health Gorilla labs.