OnPatient FAQ: Why isn't my office showing up in OnPatient?

If your patient cannot see an office in their OnPatient portal, you may not have enabled certain permissions required to enable online scheduling for that office. The permissions you need to enable are:

  • Enable online scheduling for one or more exam rooms in an office
  • Enable the office to display its information online
  • Enable online scheduling for the office
  • Enable scheduling of new appointments for existing/new patients


Enabling Online Scheduling

To enable online scheduling, go to your DrChrono Account and select Account > Offices.


Next, you'll be brought to the Manage Offices page. Here, you can see a list of your offices.


Hit the Edit button to the right of the office you wish to show in OnPatient. This will take you to the office editor.

In your office editor, make sure at least one or more exam rooms within the office have online scheduling enabled.


In the office editor, select the Online Schedule tab. The online scheduling tab allows you to select what hours are available for your patients to schedule online. To enable online scheduling, you need to select the following checkboxes:

  • Show this office information online
  • Allow online scheduling in this office
  • Allow existing/new patient appointments

Upon checking the Allow Online Scheduling check box, a time selection box will appear for you to select all periods to allow online scheduling.