Deleted CPT Codes

From time to time, the American Medical Association (AMA) makes changes to CPT codes, including deleting CPT codes entirely. Deleting a code is effective from that date of service forward.  For any previous dates of service where the code is active, those are still able to be billed.

To assist in identifying codes that have been deleted, DrChrono will show you a "removed since {date}" message. You are still able to enter the code and bill the claim so that any previous claims can be billed appropriately.

You will be able to see the message in 4 different places within DrChrono.

         1. Schedule > Calendar > Patient Appointment > Billing tab

      2.  Patient Appointment > View Clinical Note > H & P tab > Billing Section

       3. Schedule > Billing Profile > Add New Profile

        4.  Billing > Live Claims Feed > Patient Appointment > Charges