Creating Custom Patient Demographics

Some specialties need to collect information that goes beyond the basics of everyday practice. Custom Patient Demographics allow our users to create additional demographic fields to meet the needs of the practice. You can also run reports on custom demographics. To learn more, see our article here.

1. Go to Account > Custom Fields.

Custom Field.png

2. Select Patient Demographics on the left menu. This will bring up a list of all your current custom patient demographics. Click +Add New Field to create a new demographic field.


3. Enter a name and description of the demographic you would like to create.

  • The description could serve as instructions or a description of the field.
  • If you would like to pull information from this field into your clinical forms through the form builder, enter a Form Name in the field.
  • Select a Field Type.
  • If you would like to display this during Check-In through OnPatient or the iPad App, check the Show on OnPatient & DrChrono Check-In checkbox.
  • You can also make the field mandatory on OnPatient and Check-In by checking the Required on OnPatient & DrChrono Check-In.


Field Types


Text Fields are short fields (Text_Field_Example.png) to enter text information with a 30-character limit.

Text Areas are larger fields (Text_Area_Example.png )to enter text information with no character limit.

Selection fields allow you to create a menu where one option can be selected from the list.


Multiple Select allows you to create a list where more than one option can be selected from the list.


4. Once you have set up the custom demographic, click Save.


5. You can access the Custom Demographics from the patient's chart under the Demographics tab. Scroll down to Custom Demographics. Click on the Manage Custom Patient Demographics to access the Manage Custom Patient Demographics page.


6. You can pull up this demographic information in your templates by filling out the Form Name section. This will allow you to pull up the demographics easily when creating your forms.
