There might be instances where you would need to separate charges on a medical claim into two separate claims for a patient, before submission to the payer. In the DrChrono EHR, we refer to this as cloning claims.
- Navigate to the Live Claims Feed (LCF) by hovering over Billing and then selecting Live Claims Feed.
- Pull up the appointment for the patient and go into the appointment details by clicking on the date of the service.
3. From the appointment screen, select Clone from the top menu.
- Once you click Clone, you will see a message box where you can select which fields/options you would like to duplicate.
- All options will be selected as a default, however, you can click on any of the blue boxes/white checkmarks to unselect them.
- Once you have made your choices, just click on the blue Clone at the bottom right of the pop-up window.
This will create an exact duplicate of the original claim. You can then go in and delete/add codes to each of the appointments and bill as you need.
Please note ** the duplicate/cloned claim will NOT have the original clinical note attached**. The clinical note will remain with the original claim.
Here is a video that will walk you through cloning claims.