Excluding Forms from the Clinical Note

Through DrChrono's Form Builder settings, you can exclude a form or multiple forms from your complete note. Excluding templates from the complete note allows you to still complete forms during a clinical visit, but the information you document will not appear on the rendered clinical note for the visit.

1. To exclude a clinical template from the note, go to Clinical > Form Builder.


2. Select the form from the Form List that you would like to exclude, click on the Options menu, and click Exclude from Complete Note.


3. Next to the form you have excluded from the complete note will be an (Exclulde_from_Complete_Note_Icon.png) icon.


4. The excluded form, will not appear on the complete note, but can still be filled out.


5. If you would like to return the excluded template in the note, follow the same steps and select Include in Complete Note.
