Attaching a Fax to a Patient's Chart

DrChrono makes attaching incoming faxes to a patient's chart very easy! Here's how to attach it directly from the message center.

1. Access the message center


2. Access the fax that needs to be saved to the patient's chart by clicking on the appropriate line item.


3. Select Save Attachment to Patient Chart.


4. Search for the correct patient using the patient search feature.


5. You can include any sort of description (orange arrow) or tag (purple arrow) if you would like.

    • A description of the fax can be entered in the box near the orange arrow.
    • Any applicable tags can be added to the box near the purple arrow.


6. Once the patient is selected add a description and add any tags if desired. Next, all you need to do is click on Save to Patient Chart, and the document is now saved to the document section of the patient's chart.
