How do I enter days supply in prescriptions and medications?

You can add the day's supply to prescriptions you send and medications you add to a patient's chart. The day's supply field is required for schedule II controlled substance prescriptions. Days supply can help reduce the pharmacy clarification rate and improve the accuracy of PDMP such as the Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) associated with each dispensing.

When you send a prescription, there is a Days Supply field for you to enter the supply for the medication.


If you are adding a medication to the patient's chart, you can also enter the day's supply.


If you have favorite prescriptions, you can add day's supply to the prescription. It will then be available when you select it from your favorite prescription dropdown menu.


You can also use the Days Supply feature for tapering a medication.


Click here for steps to Batch Order Schedule II Controlled Substances.

How do I enter day supply in prescriptions and medications on the iPad?