How do I reorder items on my patient's appointment detail view?

Reordering Items on the Appointment Details View

In the EHR app, all your appointment information is viewable in the Appointment Detail View pane underneath your patient's basic information. To customize this area, you may rearrange or add/remove fields.


To reorder fields in the Appointment Detail View pane, access the Account section in your navigation bar, select the settings tab, and tap Appointment Detail View Settings. You can add or remove fields by activating or deactivating the switches (Switch_Icon_Check_In_app_Off.png/ Switch_Icon_Check_In_app_On.png). To reorder the items, hold the ( Appointment_Details_3_lines_reorder_Icon.jpeg) icon and drag the menu item to the desired location. Return to the appointments screen to view the new menu. Your selections will automatically save.
