Submitting claims to multiple Workers' Compensation Insurances

To submit claims to multiple workers' compensation insurances, or for multiple workers' compensation injuries, you will need to submit a ticket to the support team to have the "multiple primary" feature enabled. Once the request is processed and the feature is activated, please follow the steps outlined below:

1. Please select a patient and navigate to the demographics screen.

2. Add the workers' compensation insurance information in the Worker's Comp tab and click Save Demographics.

Make sure you fill in the Date of Accident and Insurance Case # fields.

3. Click on Manage Alternative Insurances and History.

4. On this screen you will see the patient’s workers' comp insurance that you just entered.

5. To add another workers' comp insurance click on +Worker's Comp Ins.

Please make sure you enter the date of the accident and the workers' comp case number for the second worker's comp insurance.

6. Once all of the information is entered, click Create.

7. If you refresh your screen, you will see both workers' compensation plans listed.

8. Under the Billing tab on the patient's appointment window, select the Primary Insurer dropdown. From here, you can select which payer needs to be billed for this appointment.

10. Click on Save.

You will also have the option to update which payer the claim should be sent to in the Live Claims Feed. (Billing > Live Claims Feed)

If you do not see the multiple payers under Primary Insurer (from the appointment or Live Claims Feed view), check to make sure that the payment profile is listed as Workers' Compensation.