(MIPS) Selecting a Reporting Option

Getting started with MIPS ( 6 steps)

2024 MIPS Reporting Resources

Original Reporting Option

Traditional MIPS, established in the first year of the Quality Payment Program, is the original MIPS

reporting option. You select the quality measures and improvement activities that you’ll collect and report from the complete MIPS inventory. You report the complete set of Promoting Interoperability measures and attestations. We collect and calculate data for the cost performance category for you.

Newest Reporting Option

MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) are the newest way to fulfill MIPS reporting requirements. MVPs include a subset of measures and activities that are related to a given specialty or medical condition. MVPs offer reduced reporting requirements, allowing MVP participants to report on a smaller, more cohesive subset of measures and activities (within the measures and activities available for traditional MIPS).

There are 16 MVPs available to report for the 2024 performance year. Check to see if there’s an MVP relevant to your practice.

MIPS APM Participants Only

The Alternative Payment Model (APM) Performance Pathway, or APP, is a streamlined reporting framework, with a specified quality measure set, available to clinicians who participate in a

MIPS APM. The APP is designed to reduce reporting burden, create new scoring opportunities for participants in MIPS APMs, and encourage participation in APMs.

Are You in a Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organization (ACO)?

If you are in a Shared Savings Program ACO, your ACO will report quality data on your behalf. Shared Savings Program ACOs are required to to report via the APM Performance Pathway (APP).