Getting Started with Patient Payments

Within DrChrono, you have a couple of options to consider for collecting patient balances. They include in-house payments, the OnPatient patient portal, and integrated payment processors. This article will explain each so you can utilize the ones that fit into your workflow and optimize your office's efficiency.

In-office payment processing

  1. To access the Patient Payments tool, navigate to Billing > Patient Payments
  2. Within the patient payments tool, there are five primary tabs: Payments, Line Items, Logs, Statements, and Balance.  Press on the title below for additional information.

  • Payments - This is where you can see a patient's appointment balance, payments made, unallocated payments, and current patient responsibility amounts.
  • Line Items - This tab will allow you to see line item details (Date of Service and CPT/HCPCS/Custom Code) as well as the allowed amount, patient responsibility, patient payments made, any pending insurance balance, and the patient's balance.
  • Logs - This tab will allow you to see a history of payments posted, and moved on the patient's account. This could help research a payment or issue.
  • Statements - This tab will allow you to see what statements have been generated and sent to the patient, as well as give you the option to view/print the statement.
  • Balance - This tab will allow you to search for patients with an appointment balance/patient responsibility or unallocated amount between the parameters that you select.

OnPatient Payments

OnPatient offers the ability to send statements and collect payments. Below are some articles that cover your options for payments. See our article on OnPatient Basics for a quick look at the patient portal.

Integrated Payments

DrChrono has an integrated payment processor that allows you to process credit cards to collect patient payments.

DrChrono Payments - It can be set up by going to Account > Provider Settings > Patient Payments.