eProvider Solutions- What do the different statuses mean?

Within the ePS (eProvider Solutions) enrollment portal, you can see different statuses under the Managed Submitted tab.

They include:

  • Complete
  • Form Created, Provider Action Required
    • Digital Signature - The form can be signed digitally and returned to ePS for further processing.
    • Original Signature - The form requires an original signature. Please print the form, sign it, and upload into the ePS enrollment section within your DrChrono account.
    • Online Enrollment - The enrollment needs to be completed in the payer's online portal. The attached pdf will give you specific instructions.
  • No Form Created, ePS Action Required - No action is required on your part. The clearinghouse will receive a notice and will complete what is needed. The status will update as the request moves through the process.
  • Submitted to Payer
  • Contact Support
  • Denied - You can find additional information on the denial by clicking on the blue Enrollment ID on the left. If it is denied for additional information, you can add it and resubmit with the requested info/change. Please do not submit it as a brand-new request.