Removing Staff Members (Inactivate Staff)

DrChrono does not allow for the complete deletion of staff members from the system, however; you can make a staff member inactive so they are no longer able to access the system.

In order to do this please follow the below steps.

1. Hover over the Account tab and click Staff Members.

Staff members.png

2. Find the desired staff member in your list of staff members and click the Delete button.


This will move them to your inactive staff members list and remove access to DrChrono for that staff member.

3. To see your inactive staff members click on the Show Inactive button. If you need to reactivate a staff member please contact the DrChrono customer success team with the username of the staff member you'd like to reactivate.


Note: When deleting/deactivating a user, please ensure any task templates assigned to the inactive user are reassigned. The default assignee will become the first active user in the drop-down.