How do I delete/make a patient inactive or deceased?

You can make patients Inactive so that they no longer appear in your active patient list, but they will continue to be searchable in the event you need to access their chart. DrChrono does not offer a way to delete a patient permanently.

Patients who have active/pending claims should not be marked inactive or deceased until all of their claims have been processed.

If the patient you are trying to delete is part of the sample data feature, you can remove them by turning off the sample data under Account > Provider Settings > Sample Data.

To list a patient as inactive/deceased

1. Go to Patients > Patient List or enter a patient's name or chart ID in the Search field in the top right. (If you use Search, it will take you to the patient's chart and you can go to step 3).


2. In the Patient List, click on the chart ID of the patient you would like to make inactive.


3. Once in the patient's chart, select the Important tab, go to Status, and select Inactive or Inactive - Deceased.


4. Once you have made your selection. scroll down, and click Save Demographics.


5. When a patient is marked inactive or deceased, they will no longer be searchable in most areas in DrChrono like the live claims feed, or patient payments. However, if you need to view your inactive patients, go to Patients > Patient List and select More Filters


Select either or both Inactive patients include or Inactive patients only.
