Date and Time Selection During Appointment Creation Process on iPad and iPhone (iOS)

Using the Appointment Scheduler for iOS

Tap the + icon in the top right and select New Appointment or navigate to an existing appointment. The following screen will pop up:

appt scheduler screen 1.png

First, be sure to:

  1. Select the correct Provider and Supervising Provider
  2. Select the Appointment Profile (if desired)
  3. Select the correct Office
  4. Select the correct Exam Room

Appointment Scheduler Settings

Tap on the Date & Time field to open the following screen:

appt scheduler screen 2.png

Next, click on the Gear icon in the top right for the following options:

  1. Appointment Duration: This defaults to 30 mins, but can be changed in the Appointment Duration field
  2. Filter availability by:
    1. Exam Room and Doctor
    2. Exam Room Only
  3. Custom Time Increments
    1. 1 minute
    2. 5 minutes
    3. 15 minutes
    4. 30 minutes
  4. Other Settings
    1. Allow overlapping: allows appointment times to overlap
    2. Hide Unavailable Times

appt scheduler screenshot 3.png

What are custom time increments?

Custom time increments allow you to set either 1, 5, 15, or 30-minute increments on the iOS scroll wheel that is used to select a time.

For example,

  • 1-minute time increments

1 minute increment.png

  • 5-minute time increments

5 minute increments.png

NOTE: Time increments are NOT to be used as a setting for appointment duration.

Finally, use the date and time selector to schedule your appointment on the desired date and time:

date and time selection.png

You can also use the date skip function to quickly jump ahead by weekly, monthly, and yearly intervals when looking for available times:

date skip.png