Enabling Online Scheduling in Your Office

Through OnPatient or the scheduling widget, your patient has the ability to schedule appointments online. When they schedule appointments, the appointment will show up in your DrChrono.

Enabling Online Scheduling

1. To enable online scheduling, go to Account and select Offices.

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2. Click the ( ) button to the right of the office you would like to set up for online scheduling.

3. In your office editor, make sure at least one or more exam rooms within the office has online scheduling enabled.


4. In the office editor, select the Online Schedule tab. The online scheduling tab allows you to select what hours are available for your patients to schedule online.

To enable online scheduling, you need to select the following checkboxes:

  • Show this office information online
  • Allow online scheduling in this office
  • Allow existing/new patient appointments

Upon checking the Allow Online Scheduling check box, a time selection box will appear for you to select all time periods to allow online scheduling. Scroll down and click Save.

5. Next go to Account > Provider Settings

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6. Under the General tab navigate to Appointment Settings and check the Allow Access to Online Scheduling box. Scroll down and click Update Entire Profile to save your settings.
