Adding a Payer In DrChrono

Adding Insurance Payers

In DrChrono, you are given the option to add a payer if needed.

What is a payer? A payer is an insurance company, auto accident insurance,  worker compensation plan, or durable medical equipment carrier that pays a patient claim. 

There is a large list of payers loaded into the system, but if you do not find the one you need, you can create it by following the steps below.

Please note - payers added this way will transmit to the payer via paper. The payer ID created through this method begins with PRNT, EPRNT, and HPRNT; all indicating the claim will be mailed to the payer.

To add a new payer:

  1. Hover over Billing in the dropdown menu
  2. Select Payer search (Under the 'Enrollments' Section in the right column)
  3. Select the + New payer button on the top right side of the page.

  4. Enter all applicable information and press Save