Changing an Appointment's Status (Web)

You can use the appointment status to show the patient's journey before, during, and after their visit. Your DrChrono account comes with several default statuses.

The included statuses are:

  • Arrived
  • Checked In
  • Checked In Online
  • In Room
  • In Session
  • Complete
  • Confirmed
  • Not Confirmed
  • Rescheduled
  • Canceled
  • No Show

All appointment statuses need to be manually applied to the appointment with two exceptions: Checked In and Checked In Online. While these two statuses can be updated manually, both include automation. When a patient checks in with the iPad Check-In App, the status will update to Checked In. When a patient checks in through OnPatient, the status will update to Checked In Online.

You can also create your own appointment status. Please take a look at our article for more information.

You can change the appointment status in the appointment window.


Click the dropdown menu, select the status, and click Save & Close or Save. You can track the time an appointment spends in a given status on the appointments dashboard.


Once a status is saved, the initials of the appointment status will appear when you view the schedule.


By default, appointments with the status of canceled and rescheduled appear on the schedule in a faded window. However, if you would like to hide them from your schedule, you can with a setting. Check out our article on hiding canceled and rescheduled to learn more.
