Practice Settings: Office Setup and Management

To manage your offices, from your DrChrono navigation bar, mouse over the Account tab and select Offices.


This will bring you to the 'Manage Offices' page which lets you view and edit your offices. From here you can create a new office, edit existing offices, and share that office's appointment link with your patients.


Creating a New Office

To create a new office, select the +Add New Office button in the upper right-hand corner of the 'Manage Offices' page. To create a new office, there are three tabs (Basic, Billing, and Online Schedule) that you may use to fill out your office information.

1. The Basics Tab

The basics tab is the only tab that is required to be filled out to create an office. Here you will find the name, provider, and location fields to identify your office. The phone number you enter here is the number that will appear as the call-back number in the text and email reminders for this office. You may also select the number of exam rooms the office has and assign a name to each room. These rooms are important for scheduling purposes while creating an appointment.


2. The Billing Tab

The billing tab allows you to fill out essential billing information associated with your office. Here you will find fields for the billing name, facility code, provider office, office NPI number, office provider number, tax ID, billing NPI number, CLIA number, and CLIA expiration fields.

3. Online Scheduling Tab

The online scheduling tab allows you to select what hours are available for your patients to schedule online. You can enable or disable online scheduling with the Show this office information online and Allow Online Scheduling checkboxes. Upon checking the 'Allow Online Scheduling' check box, a time selection box will appear for you to select all periods to allow online scheduling.

Note: Confirmation emails will be sent to the patient, who schedules using the scheduling widget, automatically to confirm their appointment. You can disable this process by checking the No confirmation emails box.

Organizing Your Offices

1. Reordering your offices

To reorder your offices, click and hold down on the icon shown below.

After clicking and holding down on the icon, drag and drop the office to the desired position.

If you have more than 25 offices, your offices will be displayed on two pages. To reorder offices to another page, select the Show All Offices switch on top of your office list. This switch will only appear if you have more than 25 offices.

2. Archiving/Unarchiving Your Offices

To archive an unused office, select the Archive button next to the corresponding office. Once an office is archived, all appointments associated with the office will also be archived.

Your archived offices will appear in a section titled 'Archived Offices' below. To unarchive an office, select the Unarchive button. Once an office is unarchived, the appointments associated with that office will also become unarchived.