How to Add/Save Credit Cards and Make Payments in Onpatient for DrChrono Payments

How to Add and Save a Credit Card in Onpatient

To save a credit card in Onpatient, log into your account, click the Billing tab at the top, and then select Payment Methods from the menu on the left side of the screen.

onpatient menu.png

The Payment Method screen shows the doctor to whom you are providing payment as well as any saved cards.

To add a new card, fill out the card details on the right and click Save Card:

card details.png

After clicking Save Card, the following confirmation prompt will appear:

Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 2.04.10 PM.png

After clicking the green Yes button, a green banner will appear below Add a Card to confirm that the card has been saved successfully:

saved card.png

If you do not wish to save a card, see the Note at the end of this article.

How to Make a Payment in Onpatient

From the Billing > Payment Method screen, click the green Make a Payment button in the top right:

make a payment.png

After clicking Make a Payment, the following screen will appear:

payment info.png

On this screen, you can select the doctor receiving payment, the saved card that you wish to use and the amount to be paid. Finally, click the green Pay button at the bottom right and your payment will be processed.

Note: If you do not wish to save credit cards on your Onpatient account, you have the option to click the Enter one-time payment information button instead to make a payment.