(MIPS) Submitting Your Data

Submit data yourself or with the help of a third party intermediary, like Healthmonix, for all the applicable performance categories between January 2 and March 31, 2025.

(Note: Medicare Part B claims quality measures are submitted throughout the performance year.)

DrChrono partners with here to review additional help articles for this integration.

Promoting Interoperability:

Sign in to the QPP website and attest to the data required for these measures

(select yes or no/provide numerator and denominator values).


Sign in to the QPP website and upload a file of your Promoting Interoperability



Work with a third party intermediary to submit data on your behalf.


Sign in to the QPP website and upload a file of your quality measure data.


Work with a third party intermediary to submit data on your behalf.


Report quality measures via Medicare Part B claims throughout the performance

year (small practices only).

Improvement Activities:

Sign in to the QPP website and attest to (check “yes”) activities you’ve performed.


Sign in to the QPP website and upload a file of your improvement activity data.


Work with a third party intermediary to submit data on your behalf.

Cost: No data submission required

• CMS will retrieve your cost data from administrative claims (those you submit to CMS

for payment)

Cost: Traditional MIPS Requirements

Additional Helpful Links

Getting started with MIPS ( 6 steps)

2024 MIPS Reporting Resources