Patient Payments in DrChrono

DrChrono provides several ways to process patient payments. This article will provide the resources for you to familiarize yourself with the different options so you can set your office up to efficiently process patient payments.

The three main areas include:

  • In-house patient payments system
  • OnPatient patient portal
  • Integrated payment processors

In-house Payment Options

Below are resources that will provide you with a breakdown of DrChrono's in-house patient payment system Billing > Patient Payments.

OnPatient Payments

OnPatient, our patient portal, offers the ability to send statements and collect payments. Below are some articles that cover your options for payments. See our article on OnPatient Basics for a quick look at the patient portal.

Integrated Payment Partner

DrChrono has an integrated payment processor that will allow you to process credit cards for patient payments.

DrChrono Payments -

Features that work with our integrated payment processor

You can use some of DrChrono's tools to facilitate the process of automating adding charges to an appointment. Using both appointment and billing profiles, you can set up charges for appointments scheduled. You can also use appointment and billing profiles in conjunction with recurring appointments to set up recurring charges.

Note: Using appointment and billing profiles and/or recurring appointments will not automatically charge the patient. The payment will still need to be documented/processed manually in DrChrono. However, the charges will be listed, saving time in the process.