Is DrChrono ONC Certified Health IT?

DrChrono has ONC Certified DrChrono EHR 11.0 on 05/31/2022 for the following Health IT Modules: 

Criteria Tested: 170.315 (a)(1-5, 12, 14); (b)(1-3, 10-11); (c)(1-3); (d)(1-9, 12-13); (e)(1, 3);  (f)(1-2, 5); (g)(2-7, 9-10); (h)(1)

Clinical Quality Measures Tested: 2v12, 50v12, 68v13, 69v12, 90v13, 122v12,  130v11, 131v12, 137v12, 138v12,  156v12, 165v12, 166v6

Additional Software Used: NLM API, Updox, Surescripts eRx, Bamboo Health,, IronBridge Pub  Hub, DHIT Connect EHR + BulkFHIR (version FHIR4-B)

Certificate Number:

CMS EHR Certification ID: 0015E0PHQ1JGR1Q

To review DrChrono's ONC 2015 Edition Certification Information page, please visit our page here.

For more information, please visit Certified Health IT Product List.

*This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC–ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.