How does a supervising provider sign off on a rendering provider's clinical note?

Supervising Providers and Rendering Providers in DrChrono.

The ability to have a supervising provider sign off on a rendering provider's clinical notes must be turned on by the DrChrono team. If you are interested in having this feature turned on, please submit a support ticket and one of our agents will switch on the feature for you.

The supervising provider can be assigned in the scheduling appointment window.


The provider who needs supervision will sign and lock their note as usual. There will be a message that says 'Locked by Rendering Provider waiting for Supervising Provider Sign Off'.


A supervising provider may sign off on clinical notes by accessing their clinical notes report found in the Clinical Notes option in the Clinical tab.


In your SOAP Notes Clinical Report, you may search for clinical notes that require a supervising signature. Select the Need Supervising checkbox and any patient name, username, text, and/or date range parameters you would like to search for.

In the Supervising Signed Off section, click on the note you would like to sign off on.

The clinical note will load for you to view. Here, like all clinical notes, click on the Sign & Lock button.

Now, when you click Sign & Lock, the status bar will indicate that you (the supervising provider) have signed the clinical note.

At the bottom of the clinical note, you will notice that your e-signature is now present.


Click the resource help article link to learn more about How Can I Set Up a Supervising Physician?