Contacts List Import - Data Migrations

The Contacts List, located in the Message Center, can be prepopulated with contact entries using a CSV file.

The fields below are accepted:

Column Name Description Format Required Example
First Name Contact's first name text Yes "John"
Last Name Contact's Last Name text Yes "Smith"
Middle Name Contact's Middle name text No "R."
Full Name Full first/last name, suffix, etc. text No "Dr. John R. Smith, MD"
Npi National Provider Identifier numerical No 1234567890
Address Contact Address text No "123 Sample Road, Suite 4"
City Contact's City text No "Beverly Hills"
State Contact's State text


Zip Code Contact's postal code text No "90210"
Direct Address

Direct Messaging Address for secure PHI transmission.

Note: Not an email address (Learn more about Direct Messaging)

direct-address/text No ""
Email Contact's email address email/text No ""
Fax Number Contact's fax number phone-number/text No "800-555-1234"
Organization Name Contact's company name text No "Smith's Small Practice"
Phone Number Contact's phone number phone-number/text No "800-555-1223"
Provider Number Custom Identifier text No "123456"
Salutation "Mr.", "Dr.", etc. text No "Dr."
Specialty Contact specialty, such as "Radiology", "Acupuncture", "Internal Medicine", etc. text No "Internal Medicine"

Please use the template attached to this article to help structure your data.