How do I lock a clinical note?

With DrChrono you can electronically sign a note when the note is locked. Clinical notes are rendered in PDF format. There are several ways to navigate to the clinical note in order to sign and lock the document.

The most common ways to get to the clinical note are:

1. Open the appointment and click View Clinical Note.


2. From the patient's chart, go to Appointments and click Edit Note.


3. Go to Clinical > Clinical Notes and select Start Note or Edit Note for the note you need to complete and lock.


Once you have arrived at the clinical note and are ready to sign click Preview Note.


In the note preview screen, the signature will be listed as Pending at the bottom of the note until it is signed and locked. When you are ready to sign and lock the note click Sign & Lock.


After the note is signed and locked, the e-signature of the rendering provider will appear with a time and date stamp reflecting when the note was signed and locked.


The note status bar will reflect: Locked by Rendering Provider, along with the option to unlock the clinical note.


All patient data listed in this article is sample data. This is not a real person or real patient data.