Editing Your Name, Timezone, Personal Details, and Contact Information

Your name, time zone, personal details, and contact information will appear on many pages and documents in DrChrono. This guide will explain how to change your settings, as needed, so that your DrChrono account is updated with your accurate details.

To change your name, personal details, and contact information, you'll need to access the Account Settings portal.

1. To begin, go to Account > Provider Settings. You will land on the Profile tab.

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From the Profile tab, you can see fields for your Name, Specialty, Timezone, Salutation, Suffix, Website, Home Phone Number, Office Phone Number, and Cell Phone Number. Before proceeding, fill out all the fields that you would like changed. Click Update Entire Profile to save your changes.


To change your profile picture and/or business logo, scroll down toward the bottom of the page to the Profile Images section.

Select Choose File and navigate to the corresponding image file stored locally on your computer. These files will be uploaded to your DrChrono account and will still be attached to your profile even if your computer's locally stored image is deleted or moved. You can also select the Display Logo on Faxes check box to display your practice's business logo on all your faxes.

To save your settings, select the blue Update Entire Profile button. When this button is pressed, all the information on the page is uploaded and saved to your profile.