Recovering a Deleted Appointment and Clinical Note

If you have accidentally deleted an appointment, you can easily recover the appointment with the click of a few buttons. Please note this will also recover your deleted clinical note that was associated with the appointment.

  1. Go to Schedule > Appointment Recovery.
  2. Check the box next to the appointment(s) you need to recover.
  3. Select Recover Selected Appointments to return the appointments to the calendar


Note: When you recover a deleted appointment, any information that had been filled out (i.e. information within the appointment pop-up and the clinical note) will reappear.

If you do not allow overlapping appointments, and an appointment has been scheduled at same the time as the appointment that is being recovered, you will see a warning message stating that there is an appointment/break that already exists in the same time slot.

To allow overlapping in order to recover the appointment, click on the link to allow the appointment to overlap in its original time slot or reschedule the appointment.

Appointment Recovery Allow Overlapping Message.png