How to Apply for a MIPS 2023 COVID Exception

CMS has extended the Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances (EUC) exception application and MIPS Promoting Interoperability Performance category hardship Exception application to allow clinicians, groups, virtual groups, and APM Entities to submit an application requesting MIPS performance category reweighting due to the current COVID-19 public health emergency. Click here to learn more about this and other QPP exception applications.

The MIPS Promoting Interoperability Performance Category Hardship Exception application deadline is 8 PM ET on January 2nd, 2024.

Follow these steps to apply for the COVID-19-related extreme and uncontrollable circumstances exception for a group, virtual group, or APM Entity:

1. Log in to Click on the Exceptions Application menu option.

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2. Select Add New QPP Exception.

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3. Pick the Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances Exception option.

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4. Set the Application Type to the appropriate option for your practice.

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5. Complete the Practice Information. For the Submitter/Third Party Intermediary Relationship - click what applies. Most of the time this is set to Physician Staff.

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6. Select the appropriate Uncontrollable Circumstances Event Type (COVID-19) and set your Event Date Range.

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7. Choose the Performance Category Affected options you wish to apply for an exception for. If you want the hardship to apply to the entire MIPS program, you will select all categories.

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8. Submit your application. Make sure to print a copy of the application showing that it was accepted for your records.
