Managing Your Daily Billing Problems Email

Daily Billing Problem Email

While using the DrChrono EHR, you have the option of having a Billing Problems email sent to you and/or other staff members. This email will detail the unresolved billing claims in your practice and list any unbilled appointments listed in chronological order.


  1. Hover over Account on your navigation bar and select Provider Settings.
  2. Under Account Settings, select the Email tab.

      3. In the section titled Incoming Email search for a line titled Daily Billing Problems Email. If you would like              a daily billing problems email, select the checkbox and enter your recipients' email addresses in the box                 below titled Recipients of Billing Email. Your recipients must be separated by a comma or space.

      4. To save your settings, select the blue 'Update Entire Profile' at the bottom of the page.

Afterward, once a day, recipients will receive an email detailing the unresolved billing problems in your practice. This includes an email that notifies you of any unbilled appointments listed in chronological order.