How Do I Update the Default Payment Profile?

Default Payment Profile

There are two ways of setting a default payment profile.

  1. Set the default payment profile in general for all patients.
  2. Set the default payment profile for a particular patient.

All Patients

First, let us see how to set the default payment profile in general for all of your patients:

1. Hover the cursor on the Account tab and select Provider Settings.

2. Click on the Medical Billing tab.

3. Under the Miscellaneous heading, look for Default Patient Payment Profile.

4. Click on the drop-down and select the desired payment profile. Available choices include Cash, Insurance, Insurance Out of Network, Auto Accident, and Workers' Comp.

5. Once selected, click on Update Entire Profile.

A Single Patient

Now, let us see how to set the default payment profile for a single patient.

1. Open the patient demographics for whom you would like to set the default payment profile.

2. Click on the Important tab.

3. Please scroll down and find the Payment Profile. It is in the last section of the options, just above the blue Save Demographics button.

4. Click on the drop-down and select the default payment profile.

5. Once selected, click on Save Demographics.