Patient Search


To quickly access a patient's chart, use the hotspot search located in the top right corner of the website, regardless of which page you are on. It will take you directly to the patient's chart. 

The search option displays the last 5 patient charts accessed within a single day. The recent searches reset every 24 hours, and the list will remain blank until the user begins searching for patient charts on that day.

If no patient results are found, an "Add New Patient" hyperlink will display. Clicking it will direct the user to a screen to create a new patient chart.

You can also find a patient by navigating to Patients > Patient List.


Once there, you can search for a particular patient or select the patient from the list.


You can also use the More Filters option on the right of the screen to add additional search options such as including inactive patients, patients with incomplete billing information, etc.



From the Patient Chart

Once you have selected your patient, you can click sections from the menu or patient header to manually add, edit and/or view patient information whether entered by the provider or the patient via  OnPatient or the DrChrono Check-In App.


  • How can I edit or change my patient's email?

Click on the Demographics tab on the left side menu and then the Important tab in the middle of the page, and you'll be able to access the patient's email information. You can change the email here. Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page once you're finished and click the blue Save Demographics button to save any changes.

  • What format are phone numbers recorded in?

Phone numbers can be entered in many formats: XXX-XXX-XXXX, XXXXXXXXXX, (XXX)-XXX-XXXX.



To quickly access a patient's chart, tap the  iconlocated in the top right corner of the page and type their name.

The search option displays the last 5 patient charts accessed within a single day. The recent searches reset every 24 hours, and the list will remain blank until the user begins searching for patient charts on that day.

If no patient results are found, click the "+" icon to create a new patient.

From the Patient Chart

Tap the patient name to display the dropdown menu

Tap any section under the Patient column to manual add, edit and/or edit view demographic information.