Apply money from unallocated to the appointment while in Patient Payments

To move money from Unallocated Payment and associate it with an appointment:

  1.  Press the circle over on the right of the payment amount sometimes referred to as a radio button.

  2. A Move Cash window will open. This will allow you to select the appointment and the line item (CPT, HCPCS, or Custom Code), as well as the amount to transfer.

  3. For the example below, even though the patient has $25 in their unallocated cash, we can choose only to move $5 or $10 of it and leave the remaining unallocated, or use it for a different appointment.
    1. To change the amount, just press on the box on the Amount line and adjust it to fit the situation.
    2. Once all fields are filled in, press Move and the system will move the payment as you have requested.