How do I edit user/staff account permissions?

DrChrono allows you to customize what users are able to access. You can restrict/allow access to certain aspects of the software through the staff permissions function under Account > Staff Permissions.

First, go to Account > Staff Permissions.


To edit permissions for any user, click View to the right of their name. If you need to edit staff permissions, be sure the Staff tab is selected.

Once you have selected the user and clicked View, click Edit Permissions.


After clicking Edit Permissions, check or uncheck the permissions you would like to add or remove. If you hover over "i" you can see a short description of what the permission allows access to. You can also find this information under the Permissions tab. Once you have completed the process, click Save Permissions.


Permissions can also be assigned based on Roles. Roles are preassigned permissions based on the day-to-day functions of a staff member.

Click on the Roles tab. Click View to see the permissions associated with a role. If you would like to create your own set of permissions for a role, click + Add Role. This will allow you to assign custom roles to users in your account.


You can always edit a user's permissions using the first steps in this article. Once a user's role is changed, their role will be 'custom'.

The Permission Grid tab gives you a quick overview of the permissions users have or do not have. You can then follow the steps at the beginning to add or remove permissions.
