Patient Flags Enhancement to Display in Patient Chart Header and Clinical Notes Header

DrChrono has updated the charting experience by providing the ability to view patient flags in all sections of the patient chart. Patient flags will appear in the patient header and clinical note header.

Note: Depending on the plan type, you can expect to see the new headers starting February 2024 up until March 2024 when it will be enabled for all DrChrono users.

As the new react headers are gradually rolled out to users, please do not hesitate to provide any feedback on the corresponding Canny boards listed below:

Patient Chart Header Old Version

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 1.20.34 PM.png

Patient Chart Header New Version

Screen Shot 2023-10-30 at 7.39.09 PM.png

Note: When the user hovers over the green onpatient icon, they will see the tooltip “onPatient Enabled”.

Screen Shot 2023-10-30 at 7.40.29 PM.png

Clinical Note Header Old Version

Clinical Note Old Version.png

Clinical Note Header New Version

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 11.19.47 AM.png