Providing Clinical Data through - Data Migrations

Customers who have a signed contract addendum for clinical data migrations are required to provide data from their previous EMR/EHR system in order to proceed with the migration process with Everhealth. 


Shortly after the addendum is signed, the customer will receive an invitation to collaborate on a Shared Folder via In order to load data into this shared folder:

- The customer must have a Box account (can be created free of charge. You DO NOT NEED TO UPGRADE to a paid plan). The box account must also share the same email address used to receive the invitation.

- The customer must have 2FA (2-Factor Authentication) enabled for the invited Box account (HIPAA requirement) Enable Two Factor Authentication: Box

 Loading Data into Shared Folder

1. Once logged into your Box account, your dashboard "All Files" will show you the files and folders to which you have access. Folders shared with you for collaboration will have gray-colored icons. 

2. To ensure you are loading data into the correct folder, make sure the folder name is the exact same as the one in your email invitation (for this case, our sample folder is "Sample Folder (Everhealth Migrations)" as shown below:


Web view of shared box folder

3. Drag/drop files into the space in your folder, or click the "Upload" button to select a file(s) using your computer's File Explorer (Finder on Mac). Once files are loaded into this space, they are visible by the EverHealth Data Migration engineers and they can begin working on your data. 

Collaboration folders have an upload limit of 50GB per individual file, providing a great deal of bandwidth to load your files. If your files are larger than 50GB, you may want to consider compressing your data (Compressing files on Windows-based OS, Compressing Files on MacOS). 


4. Once the files are uploaded, you may log out of Box and close the window. 


That's all to it. In the event that additional guidance is needed, please reach out your EverHealth contact, or submit a support ticket