Release Notes for DrChrono Mobile Version 11.0.117


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Ability to select from multiple provider locations in PDMP via PMP GatewayUsers can choose a specific location where the provider is set up to submit a PDMP request for a patient. By default, if the user has only one Prescriber DEA, the system will automatically select it and generate the PDMP report. If multiple Prescriber DEAs are available, the user must manually select the appropriate Prescriber location, and the system will then generate the PDMP report for that location.
Integration with LifePoint

The integration of LifePoint is now available in the DrChrono iOS EHR app. 

Key Updates:

  1. Deep Link Integration: Users can now access LifePoint Informatics directly within the DrChrono app, allowing for a seamless transition between the DrChrono platform and LifePoint's web service without leaving the app.
  2. WebView Implementation: LifePoint does not offer a native iOS app, therefore a WebView is integrated within the DrChrono app to deliver a secure, embedded experience of LifePoint's services. The content will load dynamically from LifePoint's web endpoint using the provided URL.
  3. Logo and Branding: LifePoint's branding is now included within the app, with its logo integrated as part of the deep link interface.


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Fix for incorrect patient name rendering in the clinical note on the iPadA fix has been implemented to ensure that charting notes remain attached to the same patient chart.
Fix for issue that occurred when creating a new appointment from the appointment list
A fix has been implemented to resolve the issue where the app would navigate to the first appointment of the day after creating a new one. The app will now remain on the current patient's appointment as intended.